24 March 2009

Zack Smith - A Post A Day? - Blog Wars!

So Zack Smith said that he will write a post a day on his blog. So not to be out done - I will write a post a day on my blog, until such time Zack forfeits by missing a day - or vise versa. So there - let the blogging begin..........or continue - you know what I mean.

(note: Zach Smith is unaware of this challenge. And he is really a nice guy. And a good photographer and plays in a kick ass band that just played a SXSW. Really, there is no good reason for me to pick on him. He didn't do anything to me. I guess I am just a jerk. Or maybe this is a way to get him to write more on his blog because I am a voyeuristic creep and I need something to entertain me while I wait for hundreds of photos to convert out of RAW.)

Update: Zack found out about my challenge and it is on. He also up the ante and said that he would post an original photo everyday. I agreed to do the same. So look for a flood of work from both of us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Challenge Taken! - you know for some reason, Rose hinted of this in her last email and i smelled a challenge. and here it is...whatever it takes to keep shooting man.

...keep on keepin on!