13 June 2008

Governor Jindal Will Still Let The LA Legislature Push Him Around

Statement from Governor Bobby Jindal on Legislative Pay Raise Vote in House

Friday, June 13, 2008

03:45:28 PM

BATON ROUGE - Today, Governor Bobby Jindal released the following statement on the pay raise vote in the House;

"I still disapprove of this pay raise. While I'm glad they reduced it, it's still more than a doubling of their pay, which I believe is excessive. The legislature is a separate branch of government and must manage their own affairs. There is still time for them to turn back. They will have to answer directly to the people.

"One thing is for sure, I will not bail them out on this and do their job for them. I will not veto this as it is very clear to everyone that the result would be a grinding halt to the tremendous reforms and progress our state is making. I will give them no excuse to stop doing the people's business, and I will not allow the momentum of our state to stop over this or anything else."

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